Success Story: Urgent Care Association Success Story


The Urgent Care Association distributed physical ballots at their annual member convention in a slow, cumbersome, and sometimes confusing process. They wanted to manage their election as much as possible but in a way that made the process quicker, easier and more understandable for members. They chose DIY Election Software from Survey & Ballot Systems and transformed their elections.


The Urgent Care Association (UCA) was founded in 2004 and today represents more than 5,000 members which are urgent care clinical and business professionals across the United States and abroad. Their members are leaders, providers, and suppliers in the field of on-demand, consumer-focused health care. The UCA focuses on advocacy, education, research, and collaboration.

The Challenge

Before 2015, the UCA elections were hosted at the annual member convention. Members had to stand in line and pick up paper ballots, fill them out, then re-queue in line to submit their ballots. Members with weighted votes had to physically complete more than one ballot as the UCA did not have another way to represent a member carrying more voting authority. If a member couldn’t attend the annual convention in person, they’d need to find a proxy to cast their ballot in person on their behalf.

There was more room for error in the process of hand counting ballots and confusion amongst the members,” said Jami Kral, director of membership for the UCA. 

The Solution

The UCA wanted to streamline its process and provide a better option for members who couldn’t be at the annual meeting in person. But they didn’t want to hand the reins of their entire election over to a third-party partner. So, after asking around for recommendations, they found SBS and DIY voting software.

Results and Benefits

  • The weighted ballot process is easy to take care of within the DIY Online Election Software.
  • The self-administered platform allows UCA to quickly build, test and edit their ballot.
  • UCA can always rely on the SBS team to provide support when needed.
  • Secure election process with very satisfied voters.
  • Real-time results.
  • Post-election data that provides insights into member engagement.
  • Less staff time and less stress around election administration.


When other (election software) vendors approach me to pitch their products and services, my answer is always, ‘Nope, not today!’ because it’s not worth it. The election process is too important to UCA to take a chance with another vendor, even if they are a little less expensive.” said Jami. “I have had really good experiences with SBS. I feel like our election has the same level of importance to them as it does for me. SBS is responsive – from the system to the staff members, everything is responsive.