Easy to use
  • Efficiently plan, manage and run all of your meetings with DirectVoteLive. With this convenient self-administered voting software solution, participants can review documents and vote in your online meetings anytime, anywhere and from any device.

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  • Nominations & Petitions is a cloud-based civic engagement technology that enables candidates to file information seamlessly in one place while allowing election administrators in cities and counties to track submissions and the application process.

  • Customize any Real-Time voting meeting based on your requirements including anonymous or transparent voting, weighted votes, and if results are visible to voters. Quickly preset motions during setup or add as many new ones as needed when they arise during the meeting in real-time.

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  • Administrators can monitor candidates filing status in real time. Nominations & Petitions enables organizations to send timely reminders ensuring they complete the application on time. Phone, email or web chat support is available to ensure an easy-to-use and enjoyable online nominations experience.

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  • Governments can count on accurate and verifiable results. Through the use of 24/7 monitoring, ongoing vulnerability assessments and other advanced security measures, both candidate and voting data are kept safe.

Who we serve: Cooperatives

Online Candidate Filing & Virtual Voting

Finally digital governance can be fast and easy with Nomination and Petition software and Real-time Voting Software.

Advantages of Nominations & Petitions

    • Convenience for candidates. Users have the freedom to self-register on their own time, anywhere they have Internet access. Potential candidates simply create an online account, complete the application and submit. Users can start and stop the process by saving their work and returning to complete it at a later time.
    • Administrator control. Admins provide SBS the application specifications: ballot type, positions, offices, fields, word count, etc. The result is consistent formatting for applications across all candidates, making the vetting process and proofing biographies a breeze.
    • Electronic Petitions. Obtaining signatures for a petition is simple. Potential candidates can email a petition to a recipient who can complete and sign the petition electronically. Candidates have the option to also upload an already signed petition.
    • Backed by SBS. Support is available every step of the way both for potential candidates and administrators. Reach out to our support team by phone, email, or chat with any questions

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Advantages of Real-Time Voting Software

    • Simple, comprehensive dashboard. Features an interactive roll call allowing administrators to see who is logged in, verify a quorum, view action items and more.
    • Real-time voting, thorough reports. Voting outcomes are instantly available for administrators.
    • Meeting Documents. Easily and securely upload and display meeting minutes, reports, agendas, and more.
    • Self-administered. Your organization’s administrators set up the voting site, slate and manage eligible voters. Voters can only cast their ballots on action items when permitted by the administrator.

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a group of people are sitting around a table having a meeting .