Survey & Ballot Systems
Election Glossary
Elections are crucial to running a fair, democratic association (member organizations such as cooperatives, unions, credit unions, clubs, HOAs, etc.). However, election campaigns have their own jargon, and it’s important to clarify these terms to keep your leaders, board, and members on the same page. Consult the Survey & Ballot Systems election glossary for clear election definitions that reduce misunderstandings and give every member a voice.
- Absentee VoteAbsentee voting, also known as mail-in voting, allows members to participate in an election without being physically present at an annual meeting. Your organization mails the ballot to these voters, who fill them out at their convenience and return them to you by mail. While less convenient than electronic voting, mail-in absentee ballots ensure all members still have a say in the election, ... Read More
- Abstained VotesAbstained votes happen when members intentionally choose not to vote on a particular issue or candidate listed on the ballot. Unlike members who choose not to participate in an election, abstained votes consciously decide not to select an option. This move is usually for strategic reasons, like wanting to show neutrality towards a particular person or issue. The challenge is that abstentions ... Read More
- Advance VotingAlso known as early voting, advance voting allows members to cast their ballots before the official election day. It’s a popular option because it makes voting more convenient for members, especially if you require in-person voting. Advance voting removes time restrictions on voting, increasing overall member engagement. However, your organization’s bylaws may limit how early members can vote and ... Read More
- Annual MeetingMember associations hold an annual meeting to connect leaders and members, review financial reports, and address governance issues like elections or bylaw changes. The annual meeting is an opportunity for members to have a say in the future of the association, ask questions, and vote on important issues. Most annual meetings include leadership reports, updates, and discussions about the ... Read More
- AssociationAn association is a structured group of people who come together for a common interest. It’s a specific type of professional, trade, non-profit, or community-based organization. Every association is different, but they all offer benefits to their members, including networking, professional protections, advocacy, and resources. Most associations operate under a set of bylaws, which control ... Read More
- BallotAssociation members cast their votes through a ballot. The ballot is a printed or digital list of candidates, propositions, or issues up for a vote. Ballots are private and confidential, allowing members to express their preferences with complete confidence. Associations collect ballots from members according to their bylaws and aggregate voting information to make decisions. ... Read More
- Ballot BoxAssociations use ballot boxes to securely hold paper ballots during an election. This secure container ensures the confidentiality of votes cast. Most ballot boxes have a lock to prevent tampering or unauthorized access, especially if the box is left unsupervised during elections. Election staff typically keep ballot boxes sealed until it’s time to start the vote-counting process. While ballot ... Read More
- Bias
Bias is any undue influence or partiality that could affect the fairness of an election. Bias takes several forms. With cognitive bias, members vote based on familiarity instead of true merit. Conflict of interest bias happens when decision-makers have a stake in the outcome of an election. Selection bias can also occur when the association only presents certain viewpoints to members,
... Read More - Blank Ballot CastA blank ballot cast is a ballot that a member submits without making any choices. Some voters do this intentionally by abstaining, which is a way to signal neutrality or even as a form of protest. Some voters do this accidentally, submitting ballots without marking their choices. Whatever the reason, associations should still track blank ballot casts. Monitoring this metric ensures ... Read More
- Board ChairmanA board chairman is the leader of an association’s board of directors. They manage meetings, create agendas, and oversee organizational governance. Most board chairman roles require facilitation and decision-making, while others serve as liaisons between leadership and members. The chairman’s job is to keep the board accountable, compliant, and member-focused. An organization’s members elect the ... Read More
- Board of DirectorsThe board of directors is an elected governing body of an association. Members choose their board to guide the long-term vision of the association, work with management, and guide the organization’s decisions. Most boards are selected based on the association’s bylaws. An effective board usually has at least two or more individuals with varied expertise in their field. They’re in charge of ... Read More
- Broadcast EmailA broadcast email is the initial email sent in an election. For membership associations, that means emailing all eligible voters in a single blast. Broadcast emails are helpful because they share important information about voting, election dates, instructions, links, and online voting credentials with everyone in the organization. Unlike other types of emails that segment who receives your ... Read More
- BylawsState law requires associations to operate according to bylaws, which are written rules governing the organization. Bylaws govern how an organization operates and how it governs itself. While bylaws differ dramatically from organization to organization, they all define structure, roles, and responsibilities for the board of directors and members. These rules offer the foundation for the ... Read More
- CandidateA candidate is a person who either volunteers themselves or receives a nomination to run for a position in the association. Candidacies are usually for board positions, like board chairman or representing a segment of the membership. An organization’s bylaws dictate who can and can’t be a candidate, listing specific eligibility requirements. If the candidate meets these criteria, they campaign to ... Read More
- Candidate WithdrawalNot all candidates will make it through the election process. A candidate withdrawal happens when a candidate formally drops out of the race for a position. Withdrawals happen for many reasons, ranging from personal circumstances to overwhelming competition or conflicts of interest. Candidates still have to communicate their withdrawal with election officials to make it official, usually by ... Read More
- ClubA club is an organized group of people with a common interest. Common examples include country clubs, golf clubs, athletic clubs, yacht clubs, and much more. The goal of a club is to foster connection by giving members a place to share their passion with like-minded people. Clubs usually have fewer legal restrictions than associations, like HOAs or unions, but they still need rules and a ... Read More
- CollusionCollusion happens when people conspire to change an election's outcome to serve their interests. It isn’t something that happens accidentally: the parties involved are being intentionally deceitful and secretive as a way to limit competition or otherwise serve their interests. Collusion threatens the fairness and transparency of membership organization elections. It often includes sharing ... Read More
- Combination ElectionA combination election is also called a hybrid election. This type of election provides voters with multiple voting methods to increase participation. Combination elections can include in-person voting, mail-in ballots, and electronic voting options. The goal is to improve accessibility and remove as many barriers to voting as possible, ensuring all members can participate in the election ... Read More
- CommitteeCommittees are groups of members or leaders who specialize in a specific area. For example, an election committee is in charge of managing every aspect of the voting process. That includes vetting candidates to ensure eligibility, preparing ballots, monitoring voting, and certifying election results. Members of the election committee must have a high degree of integrity because they play a vital ... Read More
- Competing PrioritiesCompeting priorities happen when a member or leader has a goal that conflicts with your organizational mission. In some cases, competing priorities can affect voting outcomes. For example, board members may prioritize the need for budget cuts over expanding member benefits. The board could have a very good reason for their decision, but members need more transparency to understand that. Open ... Read More
- Conflict of InterestA conflict of interest happens when someone has personal, financial, or professional interests that hurt their impartiality. Conflicts of interest hurt an association’s ability to make fair decisions, and many bylaws have explicit rules against them. Board members and board chairman positions are rightfully scrutinized for conflict of interest because they’re in leadership positions within the ... Read More
- Contested ElectionA contested election happens when multiple candidates are running for the same position. With an uncontested election, just one candidate runs for a position, guaranteeing a win. However, contested elections are more competitive and require candidates to work harder to gain voter support. Voter engagement tends to be higher with contested elections because voters feel they have a say. Contested ... Read More
- Contract Ratification
A contract ratification happens when members approve a proposed agreement or contract, which is standard in labor unions. During ratification, the union presents the terms to the members, who cast their votes. If there is a majority in favor of the contract, it’s ratified and legally binding. Ratification is critical to giving members a say in the agreements that affect their rights and working
... Read More - Contract Vote
During a contract vote, members vote on whether to approve or reject a proposed contract. Labor unions and professional associations often conduct contract votes because members need to ratify contracts negotiated on their behalf by the union. Unions conducting a contract vote should have a robust marketing plan to encourage voter participation and reduce barriers to understanding.
... Read More - CooperativeA cooperative, or co-op, is a member-owned organization that can span various industries, including agriculture, finance, housing, retail, utilities, and more. Members use the co-op's products or services, such as electricity from electric co-ops or communication services from telephone co-ops, which mutually benefit all members. A co-op runs democratically and treats every member equally. An ... Read More
- Credit UnionA credit union is a type of financial cooperative, or co-op. They offer various banking services, such as loans, checking, and savings accounts. An elected board of directors manages the credit union, which is usually small and locally owned. However, credit unions aren’t banks; they are non-profit co-ops that return profits to the members. Some do that by offering lower interest rates or higher ... Read More
- Cumulative VoteWith cumulative voting, members cast multiple votes for one or more options. For example, if you give members five votes to spread out between three candidates, they can concentrate their voting power on the options that matter most to them. Cumulative votes help concentrate voting power and promote inclusivity. They’re proportional to the number of votes each person holds, so those with more ... Read More
- Data BackupData backups create copies of data and store it elsewhere to protect against theft or loss. Associations should regularly do data backups and save them to a secondary place, like an external hard drive, cloud storage, or offsite servers. Not only should associations back up their data, but their IT department should also practice restoring this data in the event of a cyberattack or breach. ... Read More
- Data SecurityData security is a practice associations follow to protect digital information from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft. Every association is different, but many use a combination of measures to protect their data, including encryption, firewalls, access controls, and authentication methods. Working with a professional IT provider or fully managed voting system is best to ensure you’re ... Read More
- DelegatesDelegates volunteer to represent a group, usually at a meeting or conference. Associations often choose delegates to attend meetings and vote on behalf of members at large national conventions or annual meetings. This allows associations with multiple chapters to efficiently make decisions that affect all groups. Delegates are usually members, but sometimes they’re a collection of members and ... Read More
- Early VotingAlso known as advance voting, early voting allows members to cast their ballots before election day. Many associations offer early voting via mail-in ballots, while others permit early voting via online ballots instead. Early voting is beneficial because it gives members more time and flexibility to vote, potentially improving engagement and reducing voter apathy. However, not all association ... Read More
- Election CampaignCandidates running for office will often create an election campaign, which is a coordinated strategy to win voter support leading up to an election. Election campaigns are most popular during contested elections, where voters can choose between two or more candidates for the same position. Every election campaign differs, but many involve voter outreach, sharing candidate bios, and even creating ... Read More
- Election SecurityElection security is a type of security that prevents tampering with election results through in-person and digital security measures. Election security is paramount for maintaining member trust in the democratic process. It includes securing member data, safeguarding all voting systems, ensuring the accuracy of vote counts, and preventing unauthorized access. Most election security focuses on ... Read More
- Election SoftwareElection software is a digital tool associations use to facilitate the voting process. Some associations opt for completely digital voting, while others embrace a flexible hybrid approach allowing in-person, mail-in ballots, or digital voting. However you prefer to vote, election software simplifies the process by handling voter registration, ballots, vote counting, and analytics. Associations ... Read More
- ElectionsElections are formal votes where members pick candidates to serve in leadership positions, usually on the board of directors for an association. Elections are fundamental to running a fair, democratic association and ensuring the organization’s leadership reflects the will of its members. Associations can conduct elections at the local, regional, and national levels. Every organization does ... Read More
- Electronic VotingMembers participate in electronic voting when they cast ballots using digital voting systems. Election staff also use the same system to collect and count votes and measure voter engagement. Electronic voting improves efficiency and accuracy and makes voting more accessible to members, especially for associations that cover a wide geographic area. However, electronic voting requires additional ... Read More
- Eligible VotersEligible voters are members who meet their association’s criteria for participating in an election. Most associations’ bylaws specify these criteria, which can include age requirements, membership in good standing, or geographic requirements. However, not all eligible voters will participate in an election, so associations have to work hard to ensure eligible voter engagement. An association’s ... Read More
- Embedded LoginEmbedded login, also known as an auto-login link or one-click link, allows members to access a secure voting system without manually entering their login credentials. This is incredibly helpful for associations with annual elections, where members frequently forget their original passwords. Embedded logins streamline voting by making the login process more convenient. However, associations need ... Read More
- Exclusive Access to InformationExclusive access to information is when certain members or leaders have privileged access to information that others don’t. People with exclusive access to information could have undue influence on voting outcomes, making it look like your organization is corrupt or favors certain people. All members should have equal opportunities to access information. Minimize exclusive access wherever you can ... Read More
- Farm Credit AssociationA farm credit association is a member-owned cooperative that offers resources to rural communities and farmers. They’re part of the national Farm Credit System, which supports the financial needs of agricultural workers. These associations provide loans, leases, insurance, and other financial products to support domestic agriculture. An elected board of directors runs the farm credit association ... Read More
- Filtered Ballot A filtered ballot is a voting method that tailors options presented to voters based on predefined eligibility criteria, such as region, district, or membership category. This ensures members only see and vote on items relevant to them. Filtered ballots are often required by bylaws because they give certain members or districts better representation. To ensure transparency, clearly communicate the ... Read More
- Fully Managed Voting SystemA fully managed voting system, like those offered by Survey & Ballot Systems, handles all aspects of the election process for an association. They offer a range of services like ballot design, voter data management, cybersecurity, hybrid voting methods, counting votes, election analytics, and much more. Instead of building its own voting system, an association can leverage the benefits of digital ... Read More
- Homeowner’s Association (HOA)A homeowner’s association (HOA) is a group that manages a residential community. An elected board of directors oversees the HOA to enforce community rules, maintain common areas, and collect dues to fund shared amenities or benefits. If homeowners fail to follow the HOA’s bylaws, they could face steep fines or a loss of privileges. Not all communities have an HOA, but those that do rely on the ... Read More
- Impartiality
Impartiality in member organizations refers to hosting a fair vote that’s free from bias. Impartiality requires that election officials, communication strategies, and voting systems don’t favor any candidate, proposal, or group. Upholding impartiality involves implementing unbiased communication, ensuring equal access to information for all members, and appointing neutral third parties like us to
... Read More - IT Risk ManagementIT risk management is a type of risk management that prevents risks related to an association’s information technology systems and data. The goal of IT risk management is to protect the association from cyber threats, like data breaches, that could hurt its members and damage trust in its democratic processes. IT risk management requires ongoing efforts like risk assessments, security controls, ... Read More
- IT SecurityIT security is part of IT risk management. It encompasses all aspects of protecting an organization’s digital assets, including member data. With IT security, associations create measures to protect their systems and data from unauthorized access, tampering, and cyberattacks. These measures include firewalls, encryption, antivirus software, access controls, and security protocols. The goal of IT ... Read More
- Mail-in BallotA mail-in ballot is a type of ballot that voters receive and send back through the mail. Mail-in ballots can make the voting process more convenient for members, although associations do need to account for postal delays and potential lost ballots in the mail. Give yourself as much time as your bylaws permit to send and receive mail-in ballots before the election cutoff date. It’s best to track ... Read More
- Majority VoteA majority vote is when more than half of all votes are in favor of a specific candidate or proposal. A majority of eligible voters agree on a winning option, which has more support than any other choice on the ballot. Many organizations require a majority vote to elect members to the board, pass resolutions, or make decisions. Every association has a different threshold for the number or ... Read More
- Mutual Insurance CompanyA mutual insurance company is a member-owned type of insurance company. Instead of shareholders running the organization for profit, policyholders have a say in the company’s governance and share in profits and benefits. The company reinvests surplus profits or distributes them to policyholders as dividends. Unlike for-profit insurance companies, a mutual insurance company gives policyholders a ... Read More
- NominationA nomination is when an individual or group selects a candidate to run for office. Some associations allow self-nominations, where a person proposes themselves as a candidate, while others only allow nominations from others or formal proposals from committees. Most associations review nominations to make sure potential candidates are eligible to run for office according to the organization’s ... Read More
- Online BallotAlso called a digital ballot, an online ballot is an electronic vote submitted via the internet. Instead of more traditional paper ballots that require voting in person or via the mail, voting members submit their ballots via a secure, confidential online website. Online ballots eliminate the need for a physical presence or paper ballots, often increasing voter turnout and streamlining the ... Read More
- Online PollAn online poll isn’t an official election, but it’s a helpful tool associations use to gather members’ opinions using digital voting tools. Online polls allow associations to collect feedback for market research, public opinion, and organizational decision-making. The advantage of an online poll is that it doesn’t require expensive paper ballots or time-consuming in-person votes. ... Read More
- Online Voter IDAn online voter ID is a type of verification that associations use to verify voters’ identities before participating in online voting. Online voter IDs ensure only eligible voters can cast ballots. Associations can use any authentication method they like, but standard options include two-credential authentication, secure tokens, and single sign-on (SSO). By confirming voter identities, ... Read More
- Online Voting Online voting conducts an election over the internet in a digital platform. Online voting allows eligible members to cast votes electronically from any location—all they need is a device and internet access. Digital voting options make elections more accessible to voters and potentially improve voter turnout. Online voting platforms use secure systems with features like encryption, ... Read More
- Onsite Voting
Also known as in-person voting, onsite voting is a traditional way of casting votes at a designated place. Onsite votes usually happen during special events, like an association’s annual meeting. While it requires more logistics than digital voting, onsite voting fosters face-to-face engagement and often simplifies the vote verification process. Onsite voting usually happens with paper ballots,
... Read More - Opt-in (SMS)
Opt-ins are legally required to send your members SMS (text) messages. An opt-in is simply a member giving you permission to contact them about the organization and the voting process. If you offer online voting, opt-ins are an essential component of staying in contact via members’ preferred communication method. Let members know that they can always opt out, which is the process of revoking
... Read More - Opt-Out (Paper Ballot)In member associations, an opt-out means members don’t wish to receive messages through a particular medium. That could mean opting out of emails or, in many cases, requesting only electronic communication. Instead of receiving a paper ballot, members vote exclusively online. They receive all voting-related materials, including ballots, via email, text message, or online platforms. This option is ... Read More
- Paper BallotPaper ballots are the traditional way members submit votes in an election. With this option, members mark their choices on a physical sheet of paper, usually by circling in bubbles or making check marks. Associations will often work with professional services firms to receive and store ballots since these firms offer secure audit logs, chain of custody protocols, and locked vaults. Associations ... Read More
- Pension FundA pension fund is a collection of assets that benefits a certain group of employees. Professional investment managers handle the finances of the pension, while a board of directors will often oversee the manager and guide investment decisions. The goal of managing the pension fund is to make sure there are enough funds to support employees with a stable retirement income, both today and in the ... Read More
- PetitionA petition is a written request made by several members. Petitions usually ask an association to address a specific issue, advocate for change, update organizational policies, or support a member’s candidacy in an upcoming election. Members will often work together to write a petition and then collect signatures for that petition so it qualifies for consideration by the board. The petition must ... Read More
- PluralityPlurality is a voting system where the candidate with the most votes wins. This is different from achieving the majority vote, with 50% or more votes in favor. Instead of looking at percentages, plurality goes simply by the number of votes obtained. It’s commonly used for organizations with multiple candidates or proposals on the ballot, where you’re less likely to reach a majority. ... Read More
- Popular VoteA popular vote tallies the number of votes cast in an election compared to votes made by voters’ representatives. Every eligible voter gets to cast a ballot, which election officials tally to determine voter preferences. However, in the United States, popular votes don’t directly elect the president. Instead, representatives in the Electoral College vote for the president on citizens’ behalf. ... Read More
- Property Owner’s Association (POA)A property owner’s association is a collective of property owners who work together to buy assets for the group. Unlike an HOA, which oversees day-to-day life in a neighborhood, a POA primarily focuses on real estate and shared amenities. POAs have fewer restrictions on residents’ homes, with most rules focusing on common areas or shared amenities. Although they have fewer rules, many POAs ... Read More
- Proxy VoteA proxy is someone authorized to vote on behalf of members. A proxy vote happens when members allow a proxy to vote on their behalf. Many organizations, like mutual insurance companies, allow members to opt in to proxy voting if they can’t make the election or trust a proxy to choose on their behalf. While not ideal, proxy votes allow associations to move forward with elections even with low ... Read More
- QR CodeQuick response (QR) codes are digital tools associations use to quickly share links with members. This digital tool provides access to voting platforms or ballot information with a quick smartphone scan. Members can scan the QR code with their smartphones to access a secure voting portal to authenticate their identity and cast their votes. Combined with measures like embedded logins, this method ... Read More
- Quality ControlIn an election, quality control (QC) ensures the voting process meets both legal standards and the standards set in an association’s bylaws. The goal of QC is to maintain members’ trust in the election process and voting systems. Every association follows different QC procedures, but the goal is to evaluate the quality of the voting experience, ensure all eligible voters share their voices, and ... Read More
- QuorumA quorum is the minimum number of members an association requires to make decisions in a meeting or election. Most associations’ bylaws outline a specific percentage of what qualifies as a quorum. While some associations struggle to achieve quorum because of voter apathy or other issues, it ensures that a small, unrepresentative group doesn’t make decisions for the entire organization. Achieving ... Read More
- Ranked-choice Voting (RCV)Ranked-choice voting (RCV) allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference instead of just choosing a single candidate. If no candidate receives a majority of first-choice votes, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and their votes are redistributed based on the voters' next preferences. The ranked-choice voting process continues until a candidate receives a majority vote. ... Read More
- Re-electionRe-election is when a candidate runs for a position they already hold. If re-elected, they’ll keep that position again for another term. Most associations’ bylaws have rules around re-election, including term limits and how long a member is allowed to hold a single position. Re-elections usually focus on a candidate’s record and future plans. They also allow members to continue a candidate’s role ... Read More
- Real-time VotingReal-time voting is a type of electronic voting where members cast their votes, and the system counts them simultaneously. The electronic voting system updates vote tallies as soon as ballots come through. Not only does this save time, but real-time voting can also improve members’ trust in the voting process by allowing them to monitor the election’s live progress. ... Read More
- ReferendumA referendum is a direct vote where all eligible voters can accept or reject a single proposal. Associations will sometimes hold a referendum to push through bylaw changes outside of their typical election seasons. This allows associations to stay agile and react when unexpected industry changes happen. The outcome of a referendum is usually binding, meaning the association must implement it. ... Read More
- Reminder Email
A reminder email is a follow-up message that encourages members to take action. These emails reduce procrastination or forgetfulness by resharing important deadlines or instructions. Send reminder emails highlighting how long members have left to vote, sharing direct links to your voting platform, or emphasizing the importance of participation. If you’re struggling with low turnout or voter
... Read More - Required VoteAlso known as a forced vote, a required vote is when members must select an option during a vote and can’t leave their choice blank. This usually happens when an association needs to comply with strict bylaws or legal mandates. Required votes are often utilized in scenarios such as revising governing documents or approving time-sensitive contracts. While members are required to make a choice, it ... Read More
- Resource Allocation Resource allocation is the strategy an organization uses to distribute its financial, human, and material resources fairly. For member association votes, resource allocation has a big impact on accessibility and fairness. For example, allocating resources to a digital voting system can make elections faster and more accessible for members who can’t participate in person or via mail. Organizations ... Read More
- Runoff VoteAssociations will hold runoff votes when no candidate earns enough votes during the first round of voting. Runoffs ensure that the final winner has enough support from the members to count as a majority vote. Most runoffs only include two candidates to face off against each other. This produces a clear and decisive outcome, although it takes more resources to run an additional vote. ... Read More
- Selective Information SharingWith selective information sharing, organizations only share partial information with members to influence decision-making before voting. For example, if a board of directors only shares the benefits of a contract without addressing its drawbacks, that’s selective information sharing. It threatens the integrity of organizational democracy by preventing members from making informed decisions and ... Read More
- Single Sign-On (SSO)With single sign-on, members can access voting applications with one set of login credentials. They log in once and have access to all necessary voting information and systems without re-entering their credentials or memorizing an additional password. Many organizations already have member-only portals that members use to pay dues or check communications. With these portals in place, it’s easy ... Read More
- SlateA slate is a group of candidates running for board positions, bylaw amendments, merger proposals, or other items members are asked to vote on. To create an election slate, associations need base information like the title of the vote, offices, candidates, and voting instructions (like asking members to vote for one of three ballot choices). ... Read More
- SOC-2 CompliantService Organization Control 2 (SOC-2) standards are a standard for managing personal data. Organizations that comply with SOC-2—like Survey & Ballot Systems—follow five trust service principles outlined in this standard: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. SOC-2 compliance ensures an association’s voting systems and processes are secure, preventing ... Read More
- State Statute
A state statute is a law that influences how member organizations in that state operate. State statutes influence everything from voting processes to reporting requirements to governance structures. Many state statutes form the basis for organizational bylaws, providing helpful frameworks for transparency and member rights. Membership organizations must comply with state statutes to operate
... Read More - Strike
A strike is an organized work stoppage by members of a union. The goal of a strike is to protest working conditions or pay, usually as a bargaining tool for negotiating with an employer. However, a strike won’t happen without strike authorization, where union members formally vote to decide whether to call a strike. Members typically vote after reviewing updates on union negotiations and the
... Read More - Symantec TLS EncryptionSymantec Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a security protocol that encrypts computer connections. With Symantec TLS encryption, associations protect voter data during transmission. This protocol protects the connection between the member’s device and the voting platform, ensuring their data remains safe and confidential. Encryption gives voters a secure and trustworthy online voting experience ... Read More
- TabulationTabulation collects, counts, and verifies votes cast in an election. Accurate tabulation is a must not only to ensure the integrity of the election results, but also for maintaining member trust. Tabulation methods vary depending on how members vote, ranging from counting paper ballots to tabulating digital votes. Member associations should keep detailed records of their tabulation processes to ... Read More
- Text Message Reminder
Also called an SMS reminder, a text message reminder goes directly to members’ mobile phones. Most text message reminders have to follow strict character limits, so these messages are ideal for quick touchpoints with members. Remind them about voting deadlines, meetings, and more. Don’t worry about open rates—most SMS messages are read and acted upon almost immediately. These reminders generate
... Read More - Total Ballots CastTotal ballots cast is the total number of votes eligible voters submit in an election. This includes all ballots, whether they’re completed or blank. Associations track total ballots to gauge voter turnout and participation rates. It’s also an important metric to verify the validity of the election and account for all ballots. ... Read More
- Total Invalid BallotsTotal invalid ballots is a metric associations track during an election that tallies the number of ballots that aren’t eligible for counting. The reasons differ, but this is usually because of voting errors, missing requirements, or ballot discrepancies. Some ballots are mismarked, spoiled, or don’t meet the association’s criteria. Tracking invalid ballots helps associations improve future ... Read More
- Total Unexercised BallotsTotal unexercised ballots measures the number of ballots eligible voters received but didn’t cast in the election. This metric tells associations how engaged their voters are; a high number of total unexercised ballots can also indicate voter apathy or issues with the voting process. Tracking total unexercised ballots helps associations spot problems and take action to improve future voter ... Read More
- Total Valid BallotsTotal valid ballots refer to the number of ballots cast in an election that meet all the necessary criteria for inclusion in the final vote count. Total ballots cast measures all ballots submitted, including invalid ones, while this metric only looks at valid ballots election officials counted towards the final results. Tracking total valid ballots determines the official election results and ... Read More
- Uncontested ElectionCandidates run unopposed in an uncontested election. In this situation, candidates are often automatically approved without an election or by acclamation. Depending on your organization’s bylaws, you may be required to hold an election even if candidates are unopposed to meet quorum requirements. Uncontested elections might raise concerns about a lack of engagement or competition in your ... Read More
- UnionA union is a collective of workers with shared goals. It works to advance the interests of these workers through collective bargaining and negotiation. Unions can have a lot of sway over workplace policies, although they require organized leadership to be effective. Unions rely on elections to appoint a board of directors and to gauge members’ needs. The goal is for the union’s policies and ... Read More
- Valid Ballots CastAlso known as total valid ballots, valid ballots cast is a metric that measures the number of valid ballots that election officials counted during the vote. Tracking valid ballots cast determines the official election results, so associations must tally this accurately. ... Read More
- Voter ApathyVoter apathy is a lack of engagement, interest, or enthusiasm among eligible voters. While these members could vote, they choose not to for various reasons. It might be because of a lack of knowledge, perceived issues with the voting process, or general disengagement. Solving voter apathy isn’t easy, but associations can improve engagement with proactive marketing campaigns, election reminders, ... Read More
- Voter TurnoutVoter turnout measures the percentage of eligible voters who participate in an election. This metric indicates overall member engagement and the health of an association’s elections process. High turnout suggests members are eager to vote, while low turnout indicates something isn’t working. Associations have to work hard to ensure competitive elections, educate voters, and improve voting ... Read More
- Voting DistrictSome associations create voting districts, which manage elections for eligible voters in a specific geographic area. This is more common in large associations with chapters across the country or globe. Voting districts make the voting process more organized and ensure elections are representative of the needs of local members. Each district can usually elect its own representatives or delegates ... Read More
- Voting ReminderAssociations send voting reminders to eligible voters to remind them about key voting dates or share election information. Through a provider like Survey & Ballot Systems, associations can send these notifications via email, text, or mail. Digital options like email and text give you the opportunity to monitor reminder engagement metrics, helping you craft more engaging voting reminders in the ... Read More
- Voting SoftwareVoting software is a tool associations use to conduct elections. It can include hardware, software, or procedures that ensure more secure, accurate elections. Many associations use voting software for voter registration, ballot design, secure voting, and accurate tallying. However, associations also need to pay careful attention to voting security, ensuring their software remains secure against ... Read More
- Voting SystemA voting system, also known as voting software, is a set of technologies and tools associations use to conduct elections. Some voting systems come with hardware, while others are based entirely on the cloud and work on members’ existing devices. Opting for a digital voting system instead of paper ballots makes voting more convenient, especially for geographically distributed associations, ... Read More
- Write-in CandidateA write-in candidate is someone whose name isn’t on the official ballot but who voters can still elect by writing their name on the ballot. Not all associations’ bylaws allow write-in candidates, but for those that do, this process gives voters the flexibility to suggest alternative candidates who didn’t file a formal petition to run in the race. Write-in candidates aren’t always successful, but ... Read More