Your Union Elections Partner (Video)
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More than 14 million Americans are union members. The struggle to get union members to vote in elections — as well as engage younger people to become members altogether — is real.
One important way to increase member voter turnout also happens to be an effective method for attracting the next generation of union members: Online voting.
At Survey & Ballot Systems, we know how to help your union navigate the tough path to online voting. We offer a variety of options for unions and local chapters interested in exploring online voting options and hybrid elections.
Some of the most important requirements for voting in union elections are secrecy, observability and ensuring an election is end-to-end verifiable. As the premier third-party elections partner for unions and local chapters, SBS works tirelessly to ensure these elements are the focus of every vote.
While many unions and local chapters are not yet ready to make the leap to a fully online election, hybrid elections are the ideal choice. Hybrid elections simply offer members a variety of secure ways to cast their ballot including by mail, phone, in person and online. Any member wanting to vote the way they’ve always voted can continue to do so. But for members who are younger, new members, part of the disability community and more, offering them the ability to vote online is a great option many will take you up on.
Want to know more? Click the link below to read our new eBook: The Blueprint to Successful Union Elections. It covers everything you need to know to get started with online voting for your union.
Have questions? We’d love to help. Give us a call at 800-974-8099 or visit our website at